
The Sunday School at Christ Church is served by a group of wonderful volunteers who have been carefully selected to provide a good quality and safe program for the children who attend our worship services.  The program used is called "The Whole People of God" which is an inter-generational style program based on the Sunday readings. 

Recently we have entered into a kind of partnership with another Anglican congregation in the area to provide links to their "Godly Play" program so video links are provided in case you are intersted in learning more about that aspect of Christian ministry.

The children in our Sunday School have a ministry to the congregation which consists of providing hand made birthday cards for the members of our congregation as well as Easter and Christmas cards.  The offering brought to the church by the children is used to help with some of the Outreach programs and the children have the opportunity to choose which Outreach effort will be suported.

During this restricted time the children are provided with some activities in order to maintain our connections.