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Today we celebrate the feast of All Saints. This feast day has been celebrated in the Western Christian Church since the 400's CE and so today we join that centuries long recognition and thanksgiving for the work of the people of God, particularly those who have most wonderfully shone with the light of God and brought glory to His name.  As you use these resources it is our prayer that you will feel the 'great cloud of witnesses' with which we are compassed about and be drawn even closer into the arms of our God.  It is God's Holy Spirit who teaches us and comforts us and so during this time in which the Covid-19 virus forces us into our homes even more our prayer is that the comfort and peace that the Spirit brings will be yours in abunance.

Thank you once again to those of you who have taken the time to share your comments and your requests with us.  As we continue in this form of ministry to those who are not able to gather with us on Sunday we are constantly looking for ways to improve this sort of ministry.  May God richly bless you today and throughout the coming week.